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Ürünler / Boya Kontrol Test Cihazları/ Darbe/Aşnma/Çekme/ Aşınma Test Cihazları(Ovalama)

Çok Fonksiyonlu aşınma Test cihazı

Çok Fonksiyonlu aşınma Test cihazı
Resmi büyütmek için
Garanti Süresi : 24 ay
Fiyatı : 0.00 $
TL Tutarı : 0.00 TL
Kdv Oranı : % 20 Hariç
Toplam : 0.00 TL
Kargo Ücreti : Kargo alıcıya aittir
Teslim Süresi :
Günde Gönderim Günde Gönderim
Bu ürünü : İŞ BANKASI karta 0.00 TL. den başlayan fiyatlarla 8 taksite alabilirsiniz
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     BGD 528 Multifunction Abrasion Scrub Tester is a powerful abrasion tester. By changing different abrasion heads, it can conform all testing standards for linear reciprocating abrasion, including wet abrasion scrub, sponge washability, scrub resistance, cleanability,dirt pickup resistance, MEK test, Rub test etc.

        Moreover,this machine use touch screen to operate, user can set all required test parameters directly through touch screen, and also can check its working status  any time. Very easy and convenient to operate it. 



ISO11998  Paints and varnishes - Determination of wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of coatings

ASTMD 2486  Standard Test Methods for Scrub Resistance of Wall Paints

ASTMD 3450 Standard Test Method for Washability Properties of Interior Architectural Coatings

ASTMD 4213 Standard Test Method for Scrub Resistance of Paints by Abrasion Weight Loss

ASTMD 4828 Standard Test Methods for Practical Washability of Organic Coatings

ASTMD 4752 Standard Practice for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate (Inorganic) Zinc-RichPrimers by Solvent Rub

DIN EN 13300 Paintsand varnishes - Water-borne coating materials and coating systems for interiorwalls and ceilings




  With double working channels,each channel is equipped with a separate container for scrub medium . Operator can use two different type mediums to do two different tests, also can do wet abrasion and dry abrasion test at the same time.

  Working speed can be set from5-95 times/minutes freelyWorking distance can be set from 0-300mm freely, meet with different standards.

  Push-rod design for reciprocating motion, thus working speed is more stable and more even and can get more reliable test results.

  With peristaltic pump, operatorcan set and control precisely scrub medium flow

  Installing and dismantling test panels or replacing different abrasion heads is more convenient and faster.

  All machine is made up of aluminum alloy, beautiful and strong, has a longer service time.

  Compatible for 110V/220V and 50HZ/60HZ


Main Technical Parameter

■ Stroke Length0300mmadjustable

■ Frequency of travel 595 times/minadjustable

■ Range of count 09,999 times

■ Size of test plate 430×150×0.03mm

■ Power of motor25W

■ Power110V220V50/60 Hz

■ Overall size500×460×280mm

■ Capacity of Water Container500ml×2

■ Ordering Information:  
BGD 528
--- Multifunction Abrasion Scrub Tester

BGD 1185---Abrasion Heads for ISO119983M Scotch Brite handpads + Weights, total weigh is 135±1g

BGD 1186---Abrasion Heads for ASMT D2486Nylon+ Weights, total weigh is 450±10g

BGD 1187--- Abrasion Heads for ASTMD 3450Sponge+ Weights, total weigh is 1,500g

BGD 1188--- Abrasion Heads for ASTMD 4213Sponge+3MScotch Brite handpads + Weights, total weigh is 470±10g

BGD 1189--- Abrasion Heads for ASTMD 4828Sponge+ Weights, total weigh is 1000±10g

BGD 1182--- AbrasionHeads for ASTM D 4752Absorbent cotton gauze+ Weights, total weigh is 1000±10g



BGD 1045 ---Abrasive pad3M Scotch Brite®handpads)(ISO 11998Size--- 90×39mm; Pack of 50

BGD 1364---Special nylon brush ASTM D 24861 pair

BGD 1365---Hog Bristle Brush1 pair

BGD 1510---Sponges (ASTM D 3450;12 pairs/box)

BGD 1511---Sponges (ASTM D 4213; 12 pairs/box)

BGD 1512---Sponges (ASTM D 4828; 12 pairs/box)

BGD 2355---Brass Shim 165×12.7×0.25mm12 pairs/box

BGD 2208---Black plastic panel 432×165×0.25mmpack of 100

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Çok Satılanlar
MT160 Ultrasonik Kalınlık ÖC Scan ve Hafıza ModeliÜç açılı otomatik kalibrasyonlu Glossmetre( 20 °/60 °/ 85 ° )BGD516AOB PM 450 Tahıl Nem Ölçüm CihazıOvalama Test CihazıGrindometreSC2 Scrub Medium solüsyon (Ovalama Test Cihazı için) Black Plastic Panel Ovalama cihazı için-BGD2208ISO Pad Ovalama Test Cihazı içinAOB FKR-400 Maşa Tip Folyo Kapatma MakinesiAOB XTL6445 B Binoküler Stereo ZoomAOB 300 Serisi Biyolojik MikroskopMCT200LXDAOB TFA 20.3006.42 Mekanik BarometreOpacity metre / Ölçücülük Ölçüm cihazıYoğunluk Kabı(100cc/mlSpecific Gravity cups)-BGD296Aplikatör BGD204-2BGD 131 Opacity ChartNem ve sıcaklık-BGD942Kreeps Viskozimetre-BGD186PLE 4200-2N Hassas teraziYaş film kalınlık ölçüm tarakları-BGD531Üç açılı manuel kalib.Glossmetre(20°/60°/85°)BGD515Islak Film Kalınlık ÖlçerELITE-100 MAX MIN Ortam Sıcaklık ve Nem ÖlçerDC-803 Kablolu Alarmlı Sıcaklık ve Nem ÖlçerKCB 300 Toprak Ph Ölçer ve Nem, Işık, SıcaklıkAOB KCP 01 Ph ve Klor Ölçüm CihazıAOB 872 Termal Kamera Sıcaklık ve Su Kaçağı Tespit Cihazı (İkisi Birarada)AOB Testo 868 Termal Kamera Sıcaklık ve Su Kaçağı Tespit Cihazı (İkisi Birarada)
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Çok Fonksiyonlu aşınma Test cihazı